Jacob Somera




Jacob Somera

Honolulu, Hawaii USA


Game Development , Software Development , Virtual Reality , Artificial Intelligence


Languages and Frameworks: C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Semantic UI

Toolsets/OS: Android Studio, Bash, CLion, G++, Git/GitHub, Google Test, IntelliJ, Meteor, MinGW, Rider, Windows, Unity


University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering (expected Spring, 2019)

  • EE160 - Programming for Engineers
  • EE205 - Object Oriented Programming
  • EE362 - Discrete Math for Engineers
  • EE367 - Computer Data Structures & Algorithms
  • EE468 - Operating Systems
  • EE491F - Intro to Game Design and Development
  • ICS314 - Software Engineering I

2015 - Present


Software Developer, UH Manoa Transpiler Project - Shaka Scheme


Contributed to the creation of a Scheme interpreter.

  • Create a Scheme interpreter following the rules outlined in R7RS.
  • Worked for 16 weeks in a team of 6 to create a parser and REPL.
  • Developed the code using C++, GitHub, and GoogleTest.

2017 - 2017

Software Developer, Android App Development


Co-developed Tip Calculator.

  • Calculate tip dynamically from user input, OCR, or selectable options.
  • Focused on data manipulation and dynamic calculation.
  • Developed app using Java and Android Studio.

2017 - 2017

Software Developer, Look 'n' Cook


Developed Meteor app for UH students to share recipes

  • Contributed heavily to pages dealing with database manipulation and processing.
  • Used Issue-Based Project Management to divide work and tackle issues consecutively.
  • ICS314 final project to display skills with JavaScript, Meteor, MongoDB, and Semantic UI React.

2018 - 2018

Software Developer, Galaxy Guardian

Created a game as a homage to Touhou and Ikaruga.

  • Worked for 4 weeks in a team of 2 to complete the project.
  • Responsible for scripts focused on game flow, enemy controllers, and player control.
  • EE491F final project to recreate a game using Unity game engine and C#.

2018 - 2018


Dean's List, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Fall 2015 - Spring 2016

Received for having semester GPA of 3.5 or higher.


Available upon request