Tip Calculator


At the end of this project, the app had the functionality we were going for. We were able to implement different types of inputs and caluclate the tip as the user enters all of the information. However, the visual of the app was very lacking. We lacked a good comprehension of how to use all the visual elements and settigns to create a visually-pleasing app. Added to that, the app only looks as it does in the pictures if it is on that exact device. Running the app on any other device will cause the display to look too big or too small.

Just because the project is over doesn't mean that we have to stop working on the app. There were still some minor bugs. Two main bugs was that the OCR activity did not go back to the tip calculator’s main activity after reading the image, and the output displayed more decimal places than necessary for monetary values. Additionally, we wanted to add a feature that such as saving and viewing past entries so that a user can review and remember their expenses.