During the project, there were a few pages and components that I had sole responsibility over. Near the start of the project, I created the header, footer, and divider that would be used on all the pages that we would go on to implement in the project. Around the same time, I also designed the landing page that visitors without a Look 'n' Cook account would see. This page was made to describe and attract more users to the app. A smaller issue I completed was all the admin pages that would show the admin all the users, vendors, recipes, and ingredients in the system. This required a lot of manipulation of the data stored in the databases. Lastly, I am most proud of the designing the page that allows users to search through all the recipes in the system. To complete this task, I had to figure out how to parse the different inputs given by the user. From there, I stored the inputs and compared it to all the fields of the all the recipes in the database.
There were times where my teammates were struggling on their assigned issues, and I would offer assistance along with continuing my own work on the project. Creating the Schema turned out to be too difficult a task for one member to tackle. During team meetings, we could all collaborate to brainstorm different ways to implement the Schema. In this fashion, we were able to template the Schema and present it the TA for assitance creating the Schema in code. Another situation where I helped a teammate was near the end of the project when we were putting finishing touches on all the pages. The table that prints the ingredints and vendors on the recipe page was not parsing the data from the database properly. Since some of the work I had completed was similar to what need to be done to display this table, we were able to quickly alter the code and create a table fitting for the recipe display.
The GitHub repo can be found here.